Copepod survival in water bowls exposed to typical Chadian ambient temperatures

Zavier Eure, a junior from North Carolina A&T, worked with the lab of Dr. Michael Yabsley to study copepod survival in different types of water bowls. Abstract:  Guinea Worm Disease (GWD), caused by the nematode Dracunculus medinensis, has been detected with increasing incidence among dogs in Chad, Africa. Cyclopoid copepods (freshwater crustaceans) are intermediate hosts

Resource shifts and infectious disease dynamics in urbanized bird popualtions

Katie Adkins, a student from Clemson University, participated in an ongoing study of infectious disease dynamics in urban bird populations, supervised by Drs. Sonia Hernandez and Michael Yabsley. Many wildlife species benefit from novel resources – especially supplemental food – offered in human-altered habitats. Shifts in wildlife ecology in response to intentional or accidental feeding

Identifying Avian Haemosporidians in Turkey Vultures and Black Vultures from South Carolina

Alexandra Wickson, a student at the University of Georgia, worked with Dr. Michael Yabsley and others in his lab to determine parasite prevalence in vulture populations. Abstract: Avian haemosporidian blood parasites are widespread among many families of birds and, in some species, can cause avian malaria.  In previous studies on blood parasites of vultures, prevalence

Baylisascaris procyonis prevalence and dynamics in a rodent population in Georgia

Ian Buchta, from Tulane University, worked with Dr. Michael Yabsley and members of his lab to study parasites in a local racoon population. Ian Buchta1,2, Amanda Holley1, Kayla Buck1,3, Sarah Sapp1,4, Michael Yabsley1,3 Baylisascaris procyonis, the common roundworm parasite of raccoons, is a well-recognized zoonotic parasite. It utilizes small vertebrates as intermediate hosts and undergoes