Evaluating the transmission mode of a nematode parasite within horned passalus beetles, Odontotaenius disjunctus

Cecilia Pumpelly, a student at University of Georgia, worked with Dr. Andy Davis to evaluate transmission mode of a nematode parasite infecting beetles. Abstract: Within the estimated one million species of nematodes, there are just as many variations in life cycles. While parasitic nematodes rely on their host for primary development, many will exit their host

Sensing Your Friends Getting Eaten is Stressful, Having a Parasite Makes it Worse

Helen Gloege, a student in Mount Holyoke College, worked in the lab of Dr. Andy Davis Abstract Daphnia and other animals face a multitude of different stressors in their daily lives. Parasites can cause various physiological changes in animals, yet few prior studies have looked at the combination of parasitism and stress in animal models.

Effects of parasites and predators on heart rates of Daphnia laevis using an innovative electronic stethoscope

Lutchie M. Carrasquillo, a student at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo, worked with Christian Hurd and Dr. Andy Davis to study the effects of parasitism on Daphnia heart rate using a new methodology. Abstract: Daphnia are a model organism often used in investigations of chemical toxicity, and for biology classes. Measuring changes in

A protozoan parasite weakens the stress reaction of monarch butterflies

Jovani Raya, a student from Abaraham Baldwin Agricultural College, worked with Dr. Sonia Altizer and Dr. Andy Davis to study the effect of infection on the stress reaction of monarch butterflies. Abstract:  The protozoan parasite Ophryocystis elektroscirrha (OE) affects the adult mortality, longevity, body size, and flight ability of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus). However, very